1. Increase Water Intake

According to numerous research studies, drinking water before meals and throughout the day is an effective weight loss strategy.

how water can help you lose weight in 30 daysYour goal is to drink at least 2 cups of water before every meal when dropping 10 pounds in 30 days.

Drink the water cold or add chunks of cucumber, mint, or fruit chunks to it if you’d like.

Many should drink about 12 cups of total fluids daily.

Your individualized water needs are based on your metabolism, size, body fat to lean muscle ratio, and how much you sweat.

If your urine is light yellow or clear in color, chances are you're drinking enough water.

2. Nix Alcohol

Alcohol can pack in calories quickly.

These drinks often contain 100 to 300 calories (or more) in just a single serving, making losing weight in 30 days difficult.

Cut out alcohol entirely if you can, or limit it to one drink daily if you’re unwilling or unable to nix alcoholic drinks.

3. Dine Out Less

Dining out makes weight loss difficult, according to numerous research studies.


You can't be entirely sure what you're eating, as hidden ingredients and calories can lurk in even the healthiest foods.

If you're wondering how to lose weight in 30 days, prepare meals at home as often as possible.

4. Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables First

Eating low-calorie, non-starchy vegetables first (after drinking water) can fill you up, leading to fewer calories at mealtime.

Slices of vegetables ( broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper )This simple weight loss strategy makes calorie reduction easier.

Examples of non-starchy vegetables to consider include leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, asparagus, and zucchini.

5. Eat Slowly

Eating slowly allows your body to listen to its hunger cues. Take breaks during meals to make eating at a slower pace easier.

Avoid eating while distracted, such as while you're working or watching television.

6. Steer Clear of White Foods

With the exception of onions and coconut, many white foods aren't the best choice during a 30-day weight loss journey.

Examples of foods to steer clear of include white rice, white bread, mashed potatoes, white gravy, ice cream, and cream-based soups.

Instead, choose broth-based soups, sweet potatoes, legumes, oil-based dressings, and whole grains like brown rice, wild rice, and quinoa.

7. Work Out Early

Completing your workout early in the day is beneficial for numerous reasons.

ab exercise to lose weight in 30 daysIt boosts your metabolism, improves your mood, and motivates you to eat healthily throughout the day.

Accomplishing something right away when you wake up sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Consider fasting cardio by having just water, coffee, or tea before you train, or choose a protein shake before exercise if you're hungry.

Aim to get at least 20-30 minutes of scheduled exercise on most days of the week.

8. Combine Aerobic with Strength Training

Strength training and aerobic workouts are both beneficial during a 30-day weight loss program, as combining both workouts into your everyday routine enhances fat loss, boosts strength, and improves body contours.

Try these fat-burning workouts to get started.

Then, lift weights, go jogging or cycling, or try these HIIT workouts.

9. Find an Active Hobby

If you're looking for a new hobby, choose one that's active to optimize weight loss.

how to lose weight in 30 daysPlay with your kids outdoors or try hiking, rollerblading, skating, skiing, bowling, walking the dog, playing tennis, or horseback riding in addition to scheduled exercise to boost your overall calorie expenditure.

Aim to burn off 500 extra calories daily during weight loss. Recruit a friend to join you when possible, to help you stay motivated.

10. Reduce Time Spent Sitting

Believe it or not, sitting down for extended time periods is a chronic disease risk factor, according to numerous studies.

Avoid sitting down for longer than an hour if you can, even if you have a desk job. Take short walking or stair climbing breaks throughout the day, or consider a sit-stand desk at work.

Use every opportunity to get your body moving each hour throughout the day.

11. Cheat Wisely

If you're going to have a cheat day while losing weight in 30 days, do so wisely.

For example, choose veggie chips in place of potato chips or cheat with dark chocolate, dark chocolate-covered nuts, a chocolate-flavored protein bar, or a chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie to curb sweet cravings.

While these foods may contain added sugar, they also offer beneficial nutrients.

12. Avoid Soda

Consuming soda and other sugary drinks can make losing weight in 30 days challenging.

how to lose 20lbs say no to junk foodSugary drinks often contain 150 calories or more in just a single portion, with little to no nutritional value.

Steer clear of soda, lemonade, sweet tea, coffee drinks containing added sugar, sugary sports drinks, and juice blends.

Instead, opt for water, plant milk or low-fat milk, black coffee, unsweetened tea, or seltzer water.

13. Say No to Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, including acesulfame, saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, and neotame, are usually present in diet drinks and low-calorie snacks.

While these artificial sugars are often calorie-free, adding them to your diet isn't an effective weight-loss strategy.


Studies show that artificial sweeteners are associated with metabolic diseases and higher body weights.

These sweeteners can induce cravings for sweet treats and other sugary, high-calorie foods.

14. Schedule in Rest

Don't overdo it with an overly busy schedule.

Schedule in time to relax, de-stress and get plenty of sleep (at least 7 hours each night).

Stress-relieving strategies to try include outdoor walks, yoga, massage, and meditation. Fit in naps when you can, read books, and take some time for yourself each day.

Schedule in a day off from exercise each week to let your body heal.

15. Take Weight Loss Supplements for Women

Taking weight loss supplements for women can optimize fat burning.

Dietary supplements can increase energy, help you avoid nutrient deficiencies, improve overall health, and keep your appetite in check.

Examples of beneficial supplements for women include green tea extract, fiber supplements, protein meal replacements, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, and multivitamin supplements.

16. Use the Perfect Plate Method

perfect plate to get in shape for women

When using FM30X to drop 10 pounds in 30 days, use our Perfect Plate method to control portions and get the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats at each meal:

  • Fill 1/4 of your plate with starches (legumes, whole grains, corn, sweet potatoes, etc.)
  • Fill 1/4 your plate with protein foods
  • Fill 1/2 your plate with non-starchy vegetables

Also, consume 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy foods or calcium-rich plant alternatives and eat 1 to 1-1/2 cups of fruit each day. Add a portion of healthy fat to each meal, as well.

Examples of nutritious fats include olives, avocados, olive oil, coconut, coconut oil, hummus, nuts, seeds, nut butter, and fish oil.
